Reproduced below is a selection of the comments from the Holliston Flag Policy Petition.

The petition reads, in part:
"The undersigned registered voters of the Town of Holliston request that the Select Board consider the following when discussing the Flag Policy during the Select Board meeting on February 5th, 2024:
"Amend the Town of Holliston Flag Policy, voted into place during the January 22, 2024 Select Board Meeting. Amendment would include providing opportunities to display
celebratory flags on town-owned flag poles and buildings, in alignment with government
speech."A suggested revision is included as Exhibit A, however we would expect that any amendment
is done with collective input and visibility from the community being served, as well as
reviewed by legal counsel.
There were 179 signatures in support.
Some comments left by the petition signers:
"This policy is counter to the Town’s commitment to Diversity, Equality and Inclusion and should be amended." — Laraine Worby
"I fully support the initiative to support a diverse and welcoming community in Holliston." — Oisín McAuley
"I’m a Holliston Resident and I support flying this flag to demonstrate acceptance of all people." — Georganna Woods
"At this time when LGBTQ+ diversity is being challenged across our country it is even more important that our town stand up in support of diversity and inclusion." — Gail Donaldson
"I am the Assistant Director of the public library and I love that the library is pictured in the graphic for this petition. I am also Holliston’s YA librarian and strive every day to make sure the tween/teen collection and space is welcoming and representative of all people and especially the LGBTQIA+ community. I feel this revision to the flag policy for the town is a vital step toward showing support for all its citizens. Thank you. " — Jennifer Keen
"It is more important than ever that we as a town demonstrate to our children that we support and accept everyone." — Rita Budwey
"The decision by the select board that the town hall and public library cannot display the pride flag signifies that Holliston is not a safe place to live for LGBTQ residents." — Jessica Jonas
"You can’t disapprove of lgbtq persons, because they are who they are, they cannot choose to be other, any more than a black, white, or asian can choose to be other." — Elizabeth Glick
"Holliston welcomes, supports and benefits from diversity. We should be able to proudly show that support on our public buildings." — Steven Stalzer
"At a time when LGBTQ+ folk are being scapegoated and targeted across the country, Holliston can send a message of welcome and embrace by flying the Pride flag. I have invited all the Holliston folk who are members and friends of the Unitarian Universalist Church in Sherborn where I am the Senior Minister to lend their voices and support of this petition." — Nathan Deteringz
"We can be an inclusive community that makes more people feel seen instead of being driven by fear." — Shawn Peters
"Of COURSE the LGBTQ flag should be flown! There is NO downside and the potential upside is HUGE! Consider one of your own children is wrestling with this and the support this could provide. We have lost TOO TOO many young people to this ignorance and willful blindness." — Elizabeth Hering
"Thanks for getting this started! Awful that the flag could be taken down. " — Elizabeth Maxwell
"Signing for all children and families in Holliston to feel loved, included, and accepted. " — Leslie Negri
"There are alternatives to completely eliminating the flying of flags that protect the town’s liability and align with the town’s stated priority to embrace diversity and inclusion. " — Cynthia Burrow
"This new flag policy is ridiculous and unamerican." — Jason Breslau
"Two years ago we moved to Holliston from Alabama. We chose this area because of the acceptance and inclusion. I hope this is not changing." — Hannah Reznicek
"The new Flag Flying Policy must be changed to maintain Holliston’s town government’s ability to show strong support for all of its community members. This is aligned with the Town’s Strategic Plan, which has a specific focus on improving diversity, equity, and inclusion. Thank you." — Robert Principe
"As a Holliston resident, to me these flags demonstrate that this community strives for the standard of civil conduct that welcomes individuals and families from diverse backgrounds and experiences. They acknowledge the importance of a diverse society and commitment to equity and inclusion." — Valerie Anastasio Stalzer
"I want Holliston to be an inclusive place supporting minorities." — Tatyana Glazunova
"The suggested revision would make the policy in alignment with recent Supreme Court precedent. It satisfactorily addresses the legitimate concerns that were raised and aligns the town with evolving standards of inclusiveness and acceptance." — Amy Belger
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